What kind of nightmare was that?
It was not a nightmare, young warchief, but a vision.
Follow me, and I will reveal what your future holds.
I don’t know what this is all about, but I’ll play along.
Greetings, son of Durotan, I knew you’d find your way.
It was you I saw in the vision.
Who are you?
How do you know me?
I know many things, young warchief, about you and your people.
My identity, at this time, is unimportant.
What is important is that you rally your people and leave these shores immediately.
What’s this all about, human?
I left my humanity behind long ago.
I am something… different now.
Know that I have seen the future and beheld the great burning shadow that is coming to consume this world.
You sense it as well, don’t you?
The demons… are returning.
Yes. And only by leading your people across the sea, to the distant lands of Kalimdor, will you have a chance to stand against them!
But how can we–
I will answer all of your questions in time, young warchief.
For now, rally your warriors and prepare to leave this land.
We will speak again.
None of this makes sense, but the spirits tell me… that I should trust him.
It’s been three days, and this… prophet has yet to show himself.
I hope I’m not making a huge mistake by trusting him.
Warchief, the clans are assembling as you ordered,
but it will take them some time to reach us.
Then we must prepare this camp immediately.
I want my warriors to have food and proper lodgings when they arrive.
Yes, Warchief.
Warrior, has there been any word from Hellscream?
He and the Warsong clan were supposed to have been here by now.
No, Warchief. We haven’t heard from Hellscream in some time. 1
Damn it, Hellscream.
Where the hell are you?
You orcs are in violation of the Alliance Internment Act!
We’ve already captured one of your leaders.
If you surrender now, we’ll spare your lives.
Warchief, they say they’ve captured one of our leaders!
Maybe they’re referring to Hellscream?
I hope not.
But if they have captured Hellscream, I’ll make them regret it!
Loc-Tar Ogar!
Come, my warriors!
We must drive the humans back!
Hellscream, are you alright?
I’m fine, little brother.
Luckily, they only injured my pride.
Great, ’cause we’re getting out of here now.
We’re leaving the human land for good.
Finally. follow me. I have an idea.
We can set sail on the human’s own ships.
Perfect. But we’ll need to wait for the rest of the Horde–
The Horde is assembled, Warchief.
We await only your command.
Now, go, young Thrall.
Sail west to the lands of Kalimdor.
It is there that you will find your destiny.
It is there that your people’s salvation will be assured.
It was lucky we happened onto this cove,
I don’t think our ships would have held out much longer in that storm.
Warchief, half of the ships are missing and the rest are badly damaged!
We had better get settled, then.
We may be on this island for a while.
Warchief, I sense strange magic all around us.
There’s the source of your magic.
Someone is watching us.
It is you!
I saw your arrival in a vision! Especially you, the Seer.
Or is it just my own mind playing tricks on me?
Looks like this trolls been on the island a little too long…
We’re real enough, old one.
My name is Thrall.
I be Sen’jin, leader of the trolls.
This island used to be ours alone,
But no more.
You and your friends must be careful;
The humans established an outpost on this island some time ago.
They hound us day and night.
Their patrols be all over the place.
Not be long till they find you too.
Well, I’d rather find them first!
We can’t risk their patrols’ alerting the outpost about us!
Loc-Tar, my brothers!
We’re moving out.
Good luck, my friend!
I got important matters to tend to, But I be seein’ you soon.
Hello again, outlanders!
These ingredients be exactly what I need.
Now our warriors can heal themselves!
Let me give you a little something for the trouble.
These wards contain healing magic.
No doubt you’ll find them useful.
For the Horde!
Watch your backs!
This battle’s not over yet!
The fish-creatures have come to take us away!
Your meddling magics will no longer interfere with our plans, Land-dweller.
I wonder what these strange fish-creatures want with us?
The Murlocks used to be peaceful, but lately they been catchin’ us and usin’ us for sacrifices.
To what?
A long time ago they started worshipin’ some witch.
They say she lives under the ocean, and if they don’t make the sacrifices, she’ll destroy this island.
Well, someone should have told them that orcs don’t scare that easily.
Now, let’s get out of here!
Warchief, Sen’jin was just taken away by the fish-creatures!
I tried to stop them, but there were too many.
They said he is to be sacrificed to their witch!
Then we have no time to lose!
Sen’jin must be freed!
Warchief, I sense a protective shield around the sorcerer.
I believe these three fish-creatures are helping maintain it.
Parthetic fools!
You will not stop us from receiving what has been promised.
Sen’jin! Don’t despair.
You’ll soon be joining him!
Perhaps you and the witch can discuss it in the afterlife.
The vision told me you would lead my people off this island.
You don’t have much time, young one.
But you and your people are coming with us!
It be too late.
I’m already gone.
Those of you who wish to follow me will face many dangers.
It will not be easy.
But if you wish to join us, you’re welcome.
Yah, mon,
pretty soon there be nothing left here anyway.
We come with you.
Make peace with your gods, land-dwellers!
You cannot escape the currents of death so easily.
Where is that voice coming from?
I don’t know, but we have no time to waste.
This cave is about to collapse!
Land-dwellers! You have slaughtered my minions and defiled my sanctuary!
Now, you will be drowned by the wrath of the tides!
You’ll have no more sacrifices today, witch!
Go back to the depths where you belong!
Very well, Your choice is made!
The air you breathe now will be your last!
At last! We’ve reached our landing site!
Warchief! While you were gone, the nearby volcano erupted!
This entire island has begun to sink!
How long to repair the ships?
The repairs are nearly done, Warchief.
Then finish them quickly!
We’re about to have company! 2
Defend the ships at all costs!
Sail on, land-dwellers. Flee!
The dark tide is coming to swallow you all, and once it begins, there will be nowhere to hide!
I don’t know exactly what the witch was talking about, but I do know that our destiny lies elsewhere.
For now, we set sail for Kalimdor.
That is where our future will unfold.
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