Warcraft 3 Reforged Human Campaign – The Scourge of Lordaeron #1

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Welcome, Prince Arthas.

The men and I are honored by your presence. 1

Can the formalities, Uther. 2

I’m not king yet.

It’s good to see you.

You too, lad.

I’m pleased that King Terranus sent you to help me.

Father still hopes your patience and experience might rub off on me. 3

It is a father’s right to dream, isn’t it?

Look, here’s where we stand.

Our scouts have confirmed that there is an orc encampment hidden somewhere over the next ridge.

As I suspected.

It gets worse.

They’re preparing to attack the nearby village of Strahnbrad.

As far as we know, the village is completely defenseless.

I need to move against the orcs’ base immediately.

Can you handle Strahnbrad’s defense on your own?

Of course, Uther.

Don’t worry about me.


Meet me at the orc camp once you’ve saved the village.

Be careful, Arthas.

Haul these wretches off with the rest of them! 4

Move’em out! 5

Bless you, Prince Arthas!

But what about the others who were taken away?

Don’t worry, son.

We’ll find them and bring them home safe.

Prince Arthas, Lord Uther needs you at the Orc encampment immediately!

Never a dull moment… Let’s get moving!

Ah, good timing, lad.

I sent two of my best knights in to parley with the orc leader.

They should be returning shortly.

Damn, these orcs will never surrender.

Then let’s get in there and destroy the beasts!

Remember, Arthas, we are paladins. Vengeance cannot be a part of what we must do.

If we allow our passions to turn to bloodlust, then we will become as vile as the orcs.

Yes, Uther.

Now, if you’re feeling up to it, I want you to lead the attack.


Well, of course!

I’ll remain here and ensure that none of the loathsome beasts threaten the camp.

I won’t fail you.

I know you won’t, lad.

Paladin fool!

The warlocks of the Blackrock Clan have spoken!

Soon, demons will rain from the sky, and this wretched world will burn!

Yes, I’ve heard this rhetoric before.

You orcs will never learn!

It was only a mirror image.

Damn it, what are these curs up to? 6

The hour of doom approaches!

Let this paltry sacrifice appease our demon masters! 7

You sick bastards! You’ll never get away with–. 8

You’ve done well, lad.

This was a sound victory.

I don’t know, Uther.

The orcs were sacrificing townsfolk.

I think they were trying to summon demons.

Have faith, lad.

These orcs are trying to hold on to dying traditions.

We defeated their demons a long time ago.

Let’s head for home.

It’s been a long day.

You must be wiser than the king!

The end is near!

I told you before, I’m not interested in this nonsense!

Then I’ve wasted my time here.

You can show yourself now, Jaina.

He’s gone.

I’m sorry for eavesdropping, Master, but…

It’s your inquisitive nature that I’ve come to rely on, child. 9

That crazed fools convinced that the world is about to end.

I’ve heard the rumors of the plague spreading throughout the Northlands.

Do you truly believe that the plague is magical in nature? 10

It’s a strong possibility.

That’s why I need you to travel there and investigate the matter.

I’ve arranged for a special envoy to assist you.

Yes, master.

I’ll do my best.

I know you will, child.


Prince Arthas, we’ve been waiting here for hours.

Are you sure this friend of yours is coming?

I’m sure.

Jaina usually runs a little late.

We must help her!

Stay your blade, Captain.

She can take care of herself.

Gentlemen, meet Miss Jaina Proudmoore, special agent to the Kirin Tor,

and one of the most talented sorceresses in the land.

Looks like you haven’t lost your touch.

It’s good to see you again, Jaina.

You too, Arthas.

It’s been a while since a prince escorted me anywhere.

Yes, it has.

Well, I guess we should get underway. 11

Our sources believe the plague originated in the region north of here.

We should check out the villages along the King’s Road.

It’s as if the land around that granary is… dying.

Could the grain itself be plagued?

Let’s hope not.

Those crates bear the regional seal of Andorhal, the distribution center for the northern boroughs.

If this grain can spread the plague, there’s no telling how many villages might be affected.

Greetings, we are priests from Quel’Thalas.

We’ve come to help heal the land of this strange curse.

As always, the generosity of the elves is greatly appreciated.

You should know that there is a granary warehouse at the far end of this village.

This evil blight may be evident there as well.

We’ll check it out.

We’ve been discovered, my brothers!

Flee and continue with the operation!

I’m sorry I can’t stay and chat, but… duty calls.

That creature looks like it was sewn together from different corpses.

Let’s study it after we kill it, okay?

What was that?

Who was that wizard dressed in black?

I believe that the robed man was a necromancer.

Obviously, he and his lackeys are behind this plague.

Well, it’s a good bet we’ll find him, and the answers we’re looking for, in Andorhal.

Look, it’s those cultists who were with the necromancer!

What are they doing to that mine?

Let’s not wait to find out!


Damn these intruders!

They must not interfere with the master’s plan!

Let’s build a base camp here.

With those cultists creeping around, I’d rather not head in there without backup. 12

I couldn’t agree more.

Hello again, children.

I am Kel’Thuzad, and I’ve come to deliver a warning Leave well enough alone. 13

Your curiosity will be the death of you.

Are you responsible for this plague, Necromancer?

Is this cult your doing?

Yes, I ordered the Cult of the Dammed to distribute the plagued grain. But the sole credit is not mine. 14

What do you mean?

I serve the dreadlord Mal’Ganis.

He commands the Scourge that will cleanse this land and establish a paradise of eternal darkness!

And what exactly is this scourge meant to cleanse? 15

Why, the living of course.

His plan is already in motion.

Seek him out at Stratholme if you need further proof.

Naive, fool.

My death will make little difference in the long run.

For, now, the scourging of this land… begins.

Hearthglen, finally!

I could use some rest!

It looks like they’re preparing for battle.

Prince Arthas, during the night a vast army of undead

warriors emerged and began attacking villages at random!

Now, it’s heading this way!

Damn it.

Jaina, I’ll stay here to protect the village.

Go as quickly as you can and tell Lord Uther what’s happened?


Go, Jaina! Every second counts!

Wait, what did those crates contain?

Just a grain shipment from Andorhal.

There’s no need to worry, milord.

It’s already been distributed amongst the villagers.

Oh no.

The plague was never meant to simply kill my people.

It was meant to turn them… into the undead!

Defend yourselves!

Light, give me strength!

For Lordaeron! For the king!

Uther, your timing couldn’t have been better.

Don’t celebrate yet, son.

This battle’s far from over!

I’m surprised that you kept things together as long as you did, lad. 16

If I hadn’t arrived just then… Look, I did the best I could, Uther!

If I’d had a legion of knights riding at my back, I would’ve…

Now is not the time to be choking on pride!

What we faced here was only the beginning.

The undead ranks are bolstered every time one of our warriors falls in battle. 17

Then we should strike at their leader!

I’ll go to Stratholme and kill Mal’Ganis myself if I have to!

Easy, lad. Brave as you are, You can’t hope to defeat a man who commands the dead all by yourself.

Then feel free to tag along, Uther. 18

I’m going. With or without you.

Greetings, young prince. We must talk.

I have no time for this!

Listen to me, boy. This land is lost.

The shadow has already fallen, and nothing you do will deter it. 19

If you truly wish to save your people, lead them across the sea… to the west.

Flee? My place is here and my only course is to defend my people! 20

Then your choice is already made.

Just remember, the harder you strive to slay your enemies,
the faster you’ll deliver your people right into their hands.

I’m sorry for concealing myself, Arthas.

I just wanted to… Don’t say it!

I sensed tremendous power about him, Arthas.

Maybe he’s right. Maybe he does know what will happen.

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