Lord Saurfang.
How many, do you think?
Too many.
There is no honor in this!
They will come for us now!
All of them!
My father, Hekazi.
He fought with you in the Third War.
He told me stories…
How you could cut down ten enemies with a single blow. 1
This be my first battle.
What should I do?
Don’t die.
Yes, of course, but…
If I do fall, may it be with honor in glorious combat.
There will be no glory today.
Only pain.
You have earned your warrior’s death… 2
my son.
Yet once again, I am denied it. 3
What are you doing?
Claiming what is mine.
Go back.
I said go back!
Live another day.
Go back to your father.
I can’t.
He’s dead.
The Horde…
It’s all we have.
You know me.
Is that it? 4
What I’ve seen?
What I’ve done?
Oh, give up, boy.
Like you?
another day.
Without armor?
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