Lordaeron Throne Room Confrontation – Horde
You abandoned Saurfang to die out there!
It is the death he wanted.
If that troubles you,
you’re free to join him.
Or you can tend to the living. 1
The choice is yours.
For the Horde.
You know… what must be done.
my champion.
Look at you.
The boy’s playing soldier. 2
Our king just routed your army! 3
Muzzle your dog, 4
Your Majesty.
Sylvanas Windrunner,
you have led the Horde to a place without honor.
Lordaeron is ours.
It’s over.
Your father would be so proud.
Is that… his?
You’ve gotten it all bloody. 5
Only one of us wanted this war.
You call for peace when it suits you, little lion, but you’re quick enough to kill. 6
I should have killed you when last we met.
How rude, sister.
You’re a guest in my home.
Your home?
You desecrate that throne with your filth! 7
You put the torch to Teldrassil. 8
But I failed those who burned.
I will not make that mistake again.
or die.
You’ve won…
Hold on!
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